
Education, Fair trade, Podcasts, Shop, Volunteer

Interviews with our volunteers

Our colourful Paisley shop

In this mini podcast episode, we meet long standing Rainbow Turtle volunteers: Gillian Henry, Roisin Mulholland and Maureen Brough. In it they share why fair trade is important to them and what are their favourite products that they can buy in the shop. Unsurprisingly, chocolate and coffee feature high on their lists!

Charity, Education, Fair trade, Fair Trade Fortnight, Podcasts

Michael Gidney Interview

Photo courtesy of the Fairtrade Foundation

Michael Gidney, currently the chief executive of the Fairtrade Foundation, has worked for at least 30 years in international development (which corresponds nicely with the 30th anniversary of FT movement in UK). He started out as a teacher in Kenya and then for their children’s services in an orphanage, has worked with Voluntary Services Overseas and with Amnesty International. He joined Traidcraft in 19991 and became Director of Policy, then moved to the Fairtrade Foundation in 2009 as deputy executive director and has been chief executive since 2012. He is also a trustee of Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

This was a most interesting interview where we discussed the dangers of commoditisation of products and the importance of fair trade to producers and farmers. 

Education, Fair trade, Fair Trade Fortnight, Podcasts

Rainbow Turtle Rebooted Podcast – Series 3

We’re delighted to announced that series 3 of our podcast, Rainbow Turtle Rebooted, is planned to be released during fair trade fortnight 2024 with episode 1 out on Monday 9th September. So if you’d like to listen to it, please subscribe to it in your relevant app. In the meantime, here is a taster…

Charity, Fair trade, Fair Trade Fortnight

Rainbow Turtle Ceilidh 2024

Celebrating fair trade fortnight 2024, Rainbow Turtle would like to present its family ceilidh with Cloud Howe Ceilidh Band.

Tickets can be purchased online at Eventbrite or in our Rainbow Turtle shop in Paisley.

Adult price £10, children under the age of 16 price £5.

Soft drinks and sandwiches provided. BYOB. Raffle, roll coin at bottle.

Close to Gilmour Street train station and bus stops. Parking nearby.


Teddies Make a Difference in Schools

Friends of Rainbow Turtle, Spot, Bruno and Sylvia have been busy making films for young ones, to educate, entertain and inspire on a variety of Fairtrade topics. Spot has been learning about the manufacture and production of Fairly traded footballs in Pakistan, Bruno has been making hot chocolate for his friends and thinking up ideas for a bake off in September for Fair Trade Fortnight, and Sylvia has been looking at fast fashion, taking on the Shein Machine, and trying to understand how the Fairtrade Premium benefits workers and their communities.

The teddies recently made a visit to Newton Mearns Primary School, in Glasgow, where children and teachers are working hard to become a Fairtrade school. The pupils are very keen to organise a Fair Trade football tournament for this Septembers’ Fairtrade Fortnight and they are also planning a Fairtrade community coffee morning at their school this spring. Rainbow Turtle will continue to support them in their efforts and the teddies really look forward to visiting more schools and community groups in the future.

If you would like Spot, Bruno and Sylvia to visit your nursery, school, community or church group please do get in touch with Philippa, who is covering maternity leave for our education officer Linda. Her email is

Education, Fair trade, Human trafficking, Seasonal, Shop

Rainbow Turtle shop window highlights human trafficking in Scotland

1000 scarves project that highlights human trafficking in Scotland

Rainbow Turtle education officer, Philippa Jeffery, recently decorated our shop window to publicise the 1,000 scarves project that Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland (SOHTIS) is currently running. Many people have been trafficked into Scotland and they have often been overlooked and hidden in plain sight.

The project takes second hand scarves and converts them into weaving kits which can be purchased from SOHTIS. The kits have been taken to schools and community groups so that they can all get involved.

The weavings have been made by people of all ages. Everyone who has made a weaving fills out a little card with a little about themselves. The weavings will become part of bigger artworks that will be publicly displayed in the future in order to raise awareness of human trafficking.

Colourful scarves and pockets

Philippa linked the scarves project with the idea of an advent calendar for our Christmas window. She stitched pockets into her scarves and placed 25 different fair trade products, sold in the shop, into them. Her work was kindly featured in a recent article in the Paisley Daily Express.

There are close links between promoting fair trade and shining a light on human trafficking. By buying fair trade products we help farmers and producers in developing countries create stable communities. The fair trade premium can be spent by the community on health care, education and clean water supplies. People who live in these villages and communities are less likely to end up being trafficked.

If you would like to know more about the 1,000 scarves project, or the education work that Rainbow Turtle does, you can contact Philippa here. Scarves can be donated at Rainbow Turtle.

Renfrewshire Fair Trade Group

Renfrewshire Fair Trade Group returns

After a few years break due to the covid pandemic, the Renfrewshire Fair Trade Group is back! Our next meeting is on Tuesday 31st October at 2pm at True Origin’s offices in Wallneuk, Paisley. Whilst this is probably short notice for many people, we’re just want letting you know that we have restarted and want to get back to promoting and supporting fair trade in Renfrewshire.

In the past, the FT group has been strongly led by Renfrewshire Council. Due to their cuts in expenditure, they are no longer to take on this role on any more, though they will still maintain an active interest. We would like the new group to be more participatory, with groups from the Renfrewshire villages and towns taking a more active role. In addition, we’d love for schools, churches and businesses to be involved as well.

Whilst we’re still to determine how we will operate, and what our priorities will be, we will be concentrating on building up the group and targeting certain events next year (2024), like fair trade fortnight (now moved to September).

If you would like to be involved in some way, or your fair trade group would like to be supported by the Renfrewshire group, please drop us an email and let us know.

We look forward to meeting you at sometime in the future.

AGM, Charity

Reminder: Rainbow Turtle AGM 2023

When: Tuesday 10th October at 7pm.
Where: Paisley Methodist Central Hall (Smithhills Street entrance).

The annual general meeting of the Rainbow Turtle charity will take place in person as above. We would be delighted if you could attend to hear about the progress of the organisation. 

For more information about the AGM, and to obtain copies of the papers for it, please click on the following link.

The business section of the meeting will be followed by the showing of a set of 5 short films commissioned by the Scottish Fair Trade Forum marking the 10th anniversary of Scotland as a fair trade nation. The films feature people from 5 different towns across Scotland (Alford, Castle Douglas, Motherwell and Wishaw, Paisley and Perth) celebrating the work that they are doing for fair trade. After the films we will have a discussion about them featuring a panel including Charles Sim of the Scottish Fair Trade Forum, John Riches of True Origin (formerly JTS), and Nate Strawser of The Gatehouse Coffee Roasters. Tea and coffee will be provided with an opportunity to sample some Rwandan coffee from the Gatehouse and Kilombero Rice from True Origin.

Please email us to let us know if you can or can’t attend.

We do look forward to seeing you at the AGM.


Rainbow Turtle Charity AGM 2023

We’re delighted to announce our charity’s AGM on Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 7pm in the Methodist Central Halls in Paisley (Smithhills Street entrance). Tea and coffee will be provided. All welcome. Please email if you plan to attend.

The business section of the meeting will be followed by the showing of a set of 5 short films by the Scottish Fair Trade Forum marking the 10th anniversary of Scotland as a fair trade nation. The films feature people from 5 different towns across Scotland (Alford, Castle Douglas, Motherwell and Wishaw, Paisley and Perth) celebrating the work that they are doing for fair trade. After the films we will have a discussion about the films featuring a panel including Scottish Fair Trade Forum, JTS, Gatehouse Coffee Roasters, Alternative Coffee Co. and Rainbow Turtle.

Enclosed are the papers for the meeting (please click on the link to open the relevant paper):

  1. Agenda
  2. Minutes of AGM 2022
  3. Chair’s report
  4. Financial report