Campaign Corner

Want to contribute to local, national and international campaigns? Don’t quite know what current campaigns there are, or how to get involved? Well our new Campaign Corner might be just what you need!

This is a new area of both our website and, soon, the shop too (more details to follow). On this page, we give you links to other organisations that are running campaigns that may be of interest to you, your school, business and so on. In the shop, we’ll have any postcards, forms and information sheets too. Likewise, if you know of a campaign, get in touch.

Ongoing Campaigns

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight – the annual 14 day Fairtrade extravaganza from Mon, 9 Sept 2024 – Sun, 22 Sept 2024. Keep an eye on our news page for more details.

Previous Campaigns

Fashion Revolution Day

Make a REAL difference each April and help change the lives of millions of garment factory workers across the world. Fashion Revolution Day was started by a group of concerned individuals whose main aim is to educate, campaign and help bring about positive change for the lives of the people who make our clothes.

The campaign is a great chance for schools, faith groups, businesses, communities and individuals to help challenge the big companies that make huge profits on the backs of workers in poorer countries around the world. Organisations like ours promote a fairer distribution of profits in all areas of trade and believe that other people shouldn’t suffer so that we can buy cheap.

Each year we support this campaign, along with a number of other local organisations, like Create Paisley.

You can check out the Fashion Revolution website, activities and resources. Click here to find out more.

Millennium Development Goals

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were established by the United Nations back in 2000. Their aims included ‘eradicating extreme poverty’, giving primary school education to every child and ensuring environmental sustainability – all of this and more by 2015. Well, sadly that hasn’t happened, so the UN’s new project is to set-up the Sustainable Development Goals and we’re invited to help influence them.

There are two projects – the ‘World We Want‘ and ‘My World 2030‘ – both ask us to consider which things we feel are important – globally and locally. The ‘My World 2030’ project is a great for schools especially, but also for anyone who is concerned about where we might be heading in the years and decades to come.

You can PLACE YOUR VOTE and CREATE YOUR OWN CAMPAIGN, explaining which issues matter to you.

Asda/Tesco Bananas

The Fairtrade Foundation encouraged and mobilised people to challenge Asda and Tesco to make their bananas Fairtrade… READ MORE.

IF campaign

The IF Campaign – in 2013, this UK wide campaign encouraged people to call on government to take action against global hunger; asking the question “IF there’s enough food in the world for everyone, why do people still go hungry”. Even though the campaign has stopped running, these pages still offer a lot of useful and thought provoking resources – particularly for schools and a number of different faith groups.


Each year, the World Fair Trade Organisation coordinates World Fair Trade Day on the second Saturday of May.

Fair Trade is an agent for change. It is a tangible solution to poverty eradication, a good tool for sustainable development, and most of all Fair Trade promotes social justice.

From 2015 until 2017, WFTO developed an overarching theme for World Fair Trade Day celebrations: ‘Be an Agent for Change’. To find out more – click on the image above or follow the link here.


The World Fair Trade Week is a biennial event that takes place during odd years (i.e. 2015, 2017, 2019 and so on). International Fair Trade activities are organised during the week-long celebration. This year, Milan will host the event from 23 to 31 May with series of international activities like the WFTO Conference, Fair Trade International Symposium, Internation Fair Trade Expo, fashion show, and many more.

Pushed Into Poverty

Generations of sugar cane farmers and their families in African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries have come to depend on the UK and other European countries buying their sugar.

Their access to our markets has been shielded by the EU capping the amount of sugar grown in Europe. However the EU has decided to get rid of this cap, and with it the safeguarding of sugar cane farmers’ livelihoods.

This damaging decision is going to plunge hundreds of thousands of farmers – including 62,000 that are part of the Fairtrade system – and their families into poverty unless the EU acts fast.

Please help stop the devastating impact of the EU’s decision by messaging your Member of European Parliament (MEP) now. Click on the image above or follow the link HERE to go to the Fairtrade Foundation’s campaign pages.


Traidcraft are constantly developing and supporting campaigns. Their current ‘Justice’ campaign focuses on UK companies who are getting away with things in developing countries which just wouldn’t be tolerated here. They’re calling for companies to be held to account and for people who have been harmed to be able to get justice.

People like Mary. Her husband was shot and paralysed by police providing security at a gold mine operated by a UK company. Mary needs justice. You can join Traidcraft’s campaign and find out more here.

Traidcraft campaign to make trade work better for people living in poverty. Their campaigning has already helped improve lives. But there’s more to do. You can join them and help make a difference.